Rensselaerville Library
celebrates National Poetry Month 2024 . . .

Today's Poem!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

We Knew

          for Jeffrey

by Ann Lapinsky

Your first gift to me was
a bottle of wine
wrapped in Christmas
wrap, tied with a string,
taped with white 
artist’s tape.
It was February.

On our first trip 
to the tea shop
you asked for the 
thing in the case with
the sesame seeds 
all over it and did not
want to know what 
it was. When you ate
the mochi cake, you
told me it was way 
too sweet but that 
was OK.

During our first home-
cooked meal you thought
the black sesame seeds
I placed on the roasted
carrots looked like mouse
turds. You ate them 

When we wanted to connect
on a Friday evening and 
could only think of going
to a Dunkin Donuts,
you told me it was one
of your favorite dates.

And a year has gone by
and you still give me gifts
wrapped in Christmas
wrap all times of the year
and we still go to that tea
shop but get macarons instead
of mochi and you still come 
to my house for dinner
and we still laugh about 
Dunkin Donuts and the
mouse turds.


In her retirement, Ann is facilitating a meditation group, leading meditations for lawyers, teaching yoga dance, taking lots of walks,  putting in her hours as a member worker at the Honest Weight Food Coop and writing poetry.


  1. Entertaining! Fun words! Fun relationship!

  2. The comfort of a warm relationship

  3. That’s lovely. We will celebrate with you!
